Morgan County Humane Society
A No Kill Shelter
86 Gum Springs Cut Off Road, Hartselle, AL 35640
Save A Life, Donate Now.
As the first No-Kill Shelter in our region, we strive to educate, raise awareness and provide assistance to animals in Morgan County, AL and surrounding areas. For the past 14 years, we have been the last resort for animals determined to be euthanized by municipal Animals Services. We take them in, care and love them, then find them their forever homes.
This past couple of years have been a trial for us as well. We were without volunteer help, with our fearless leader caring for the over 80 felines we adopted out last year. We had a litter of 10 pups fostered and successfully adopted. It has been a skeleton crew, but we are growing but due to the high number if abandoned animals we are not accepting any more until we adopt out half of what we have now.
Please click on one of the buttons to donate to our facility. In the past several years, we have been fortunate to partner with local companies to build our newest addition, the barn, all as a result of grants and donations. Kroger Community Rewards. People, everything goes towards the welfare of our animals.
We have been blessed with a selfless leader, a great Board of Directors and talented grant writers. Our shelter has survived sickness and hard times, and that only makes us stronger.
We are expanding our search for volunteers - as we are adding new programs to assist our fellow residents in regards to their pets.
Please provide us input as to the website and suggestions for ways to help those who have no voice.

Any one can donate money to a cause. The true meaning of volunteering it taking the time and effort needed to really help.
Our volunteers have put blood, sweat and tears into making the Morgan County Humane Society a reality - a safe place for all animals - domestic and wildlife.
We would like your support as well - please think about a rescued animal before going to that pet store.
If you cannot take one in, at least support us by enrolling your Kroger Card Community Rewards with us.
We are not only in need of monetary funds, but old blankets, sheets, dog toys, food...these will be put to good use.
Please email mchsal35640@gmail.com for additional information.

Pets for Patriots
We have partnered with Pets for Patriots and are now one of their approved partners. We thank and appreciate the support they provide.